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Christian Andrés Romero Rodríguez

Ph.D. in Philosophy of Science (candidate)


Graduate In Philosophy    

Universidad del Valle




  • “The meta-theory for empty logics,” International Philosophy Seminar of the Americas, Cordoba, Argentina, April de 2024.​​


  • “The meta-theory for empty logics”, 15th Latin American Workshop on New Methods of Reasoning (LANMR 2023), Cdmx, México, November 2023.


  • “Monstrous logics”, XII Simposio Internacional de Investigación en Lógica y Argumentación, Escuela Normal de las Huestecas, Hidalgo, México, November  2023. (In Spanish)


  • “Empty metatheory for empty logics”. International Congress on Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 2023.


  • “Empty validity all the way up: an easy road”. The  Thirteenth Smirnov Readings in Logic.  Lomonosov Moscow State University.  June 2023.


  • “Bunge and the validity of Addition” I Congreso Internacional de Filosofía Mexicana, Toluca, México, March 2023. (In Spanish)


  • “Empty logic: to have or not to have meta-arguments? That is the question.”, XI Simposio Internacional de Investigación en Lógica y Argumentación, Guadalajara, México, November 2022. (In Spanish)


  • “The value of the logical consequence relation in computational reasoning” XI Simposio Internacional de Investigación en Lógica y Argumentación, Guadalajara, México, November 2022. (In Spanish)


  • “Another remark on connexivity and set theory”, VII Workshop on Connexive Logic, Ciudad de México, México, October 2022


  • "Empty logics and context-dependent interpretations". XII Encuentro AFHIC, Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, August 2022.  (In Spanish)​​​


  • "Direction in Strong Kleene Disjoint Logic", Trends in Logic, -Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Italy 19th July 2022.  


  • “Everything is true, “Everything is true” And their consequences”.  Segundo Workshop IIF-UNAM – BA-Logic de Lógica Filosófica, Buenos Aires, Argentina, May 2022.  (In Spanish)


  • Two Faces of Logical Minimalism,  "LOGICA 2021" organized by the Institute of Philosophy of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. 29th September 2021. 


  • Paraconsistency and Common Sense “IV Iberoamerican Congress of Philosophy of the Science and Technology” University of Salamanca, Salamanca-Spain,2017. (In spanish)


  • “Philosophy Experience in the city of Cali,” Fourth Conference of Philosophy with Boys and Girls. University of Chile, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 2015.  (In spanish)


  • "Paraconsistency and foundation of mathematics". 1st National Congress of History and Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Universidad Panamericana (UP), Mexico City, Mexico, 2015. (In spanish)


  • Replica of the paper “The problem of the Kreisel Argument” 1st National Congress of History and Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic. Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), Universidad Panamericana (UP), Mexico City, Mexico, 2015. (In spanish)​


  • "The zombification of the formalist program in the light of paraconsistent logic." 11 Philosophy student forum. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, 2014.“ (In spanish)


  • Between confusing and wrong extrapolations: the case of Gödel's incompleteness theorem.” II Congress of Philosophy Students. University of Antioquia, Medellin, Colombia, 2014.  (In spanish)


  • “Between inconsistency and triviality: philosophical consequences of Gödel's incompleteness theorem in Hilbert's formalism”. III Colombian Congress of Logic, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science.  Universidad de los Andes, Bogotá, Colombia 2014. (In spanish)




  •  "Breaking the Tarskian chains", Ciclo de Divulgación de Lógica Contemporánea, Ciudad de México, Unam, May de 2024. (in Spanish) 


  • "A workshop about truth, falsehood and the rest", Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, July 2022.  (With Luis Estrada-González and Fernando Cano).  (In Spanish)


  • "Logical Nihilism on the table", Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, July 2022.  (In Spanish)

  • Logical consequence and non-preservation, "Seminario Angelopolitano de Lógica", Puebla, México, May 2022. (In Spanish) 


  • “Latin America: A life between contradictions” 1st National Forum of Latin American Philosophy. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, 2015. (In Spanish)


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